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SWAT REPORT # 134 10-27-2009

Jer 1:7 But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.


THE great commission is to go ye into all the world and preach the gospel. I am trying…I am certainly trying and willing. We have been now in 31 countries and are willing to go to the other 164 if the Lord should send. More on our travels later. MEETING IN SINPETRU For those of you who prayed for our special evangelistic meeting in Sinpetru village very near our church we thank you for your prayers and report that the attendance was not quite what we had hoped for and not really in proportion to our advertising efforts. You can view those who came in Photo #134.01. We spent three days distributing several thousand tract/flyers over a large area. A visiting group from Dave Dunbar's Freedom Baptist church in Auburn, NY came and helped us. See Photo #134.02. We hung a huge banner outside the community center where we had the assembly. We had about 65 total in attendance but had seats and Bibles for 200+. We did have some children and teens saved Photo #134.03 and we did give away a Bible for each person attending Photo #134.04. And we did get about 35 visitor cards that requested a personal, pastoral visit which we are pursuing at the present time in hopes of yielding fruit in that effort. Please continue to pray for this…Thanks.


The nature of the SWAT TEAM since its beginning has been traveling, preaching and teaching others to preach publickly. We have not strayed from that nature. This month we made a preaching trip to Italy. In Photo #134.05 you will see that I had a leaning toward preaching at this famous tower in Pisa, Italy. I tried to straighten the situation out here and I hope I helped a bit although many people present also had a leaning toward their sin (Jn. 3:19). A WHOLE bunch of people were gathered to listen and most of them heard. Had zero problems with authorities and for that we praise the good Lord.

Photo #134.06 finds my family inside the ruins of the famous Coliseum in Rome. My oh my, those old guys sure ruined everything in that city. Everywhere we went there were ruins, ruins, ruins. Rome just served as current day proof that sin and plenty of it will ruin your life and everything around you. I tried to warn the Romans about the consequences of their sin on the street corner where many had gathered in front of the Pantheon (just another pagan temple made into a Catholic church) but two plain clothes police were on me like white on rice and since they were incapable of arguing in English, anything further would have been fruitless. By the way, what's left of Rome today continues to ruin many peoples lives. We walked through St. Peter's Square which probably contained most of 2,000 ruined lives with a waiting line of ¼ mile to pay to see the inside of the Vatican, we just glanced at the obelisk and went to our next street meeting in Palermo, Sicily. Photo # 134.07 displays the Mamertinum prison where Paul suffered and died for the service of our Great King. We enjoyed the fellowship and fellow-ministry of the Jamie Homan missionary family (The Homans to the Romans) while there in Rome. They seem to be doing a great job ministering for our great God.

Finally we arrived in time for a major street in Palermo, Sicily with long time friend Sal Galioto. Sal fits right in with the local culture here seeing he is Sicilian himself. He put five men plus half of his family on the street along with us and we preached it out for about two hours. Palermo is a city of a million and we had perfect liberty…what a blessing. Sal and his family are first class veteran missionaries there and are quite successful in all that they do. My daughter Mary celebrated her 16th birthday in the Galioto home surrounded by lovely Galioto girls very near her age. What a boon this was for Mary to have opportunity to make some new and lifelong friends with other MK's (Missionary Kids).

Home always seems sweeter after a long journey…but our settling back in is short and sweet. We have found a much better home for less rent money here in Brasov and will be moving Dec. 1. However, none of our addresses will change as far as any of you are concerned…but we may have a new phone # for you in Romania. Our vonage phone will not change…call us at 850-390-4003 but remember we are 7 hours AHEAD of the US east coast time.

In case you did not have a chance to view our ministry's latest video presentation you may do so by clicking the link below. We changed from YouTube because it had some unsavory advertising nearby to our video. You may also use our website to access this ministry video. We would love to hear your comments on the video and we would love for you to pass it on to whomever you may know that might be interested.

To view the SWAT TEAM presentation video just click link

Loving the ministry on the eastern front
Gerald Sutek and the SWAT TEAM for Christ
2Tim. 1:8, Amos 5:10

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