SWAT REPORT # 81 04-03-07

Mark 6:31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

Some wise preacher said one time, "You need to come apart for awhile before you come a part" If you are given to the work of the Lord it is easy to find yourself doing His work many hours a day and everyday of the week. Oh, everybody takes a day off but I really don't know what to do with a day off…I hate golf…too old for racquetball…feel guilty sitting down all day…so I end up just doing preparation work at home instead of running around all day. Well, a wise man will be able to discern the symptoms of cumulative fatigue and will avail himself of some manner of diversion.

My choice is a ministry trip…the SWAT TEAM has always kept on the move…so we went this month on a ministry trip to Ireland. Actually, it was also a trip down memory lane…we saw old familiar places and old familiar friends. I preached in Jerome Pittman's church in Dublin. He is a good brother and fellow missionary. We were able to be an example, an instructor and an encourager to some of his people as we preached together Sunday afternoon in front of the "Dead Head" Catholic church. This is not just a funny name…this church in Drogheda, Ireland actually has the pickled head of a former priest in a jar and sincere folk actually use this dead head as an aid to worship. About a dozen or more of us preached directly in front and passed out tracts and sang songs to our living Lord Jesus Christ. It was a good witness. In photo #8105 I taught a home Bible study to some new church members in Bro. Pittman's church who are immigrating from Poland…I told them what it should mean to take the name of the Lord…that is Christian…from Acts 11:26.

In photo #8101 the Sutek family is reporting for duty…anywhere…anytime…and under any conditions… "Yessss Sir…No Sir…No excuse Sir…

Many of you will remember David Laverty…he traveled with the SWAT TEAM for nearly a year in the states…he has found his way back home in Northern Ireland…found a wife and found three weeans (wee ones) under a rock near Slemish mountain. Photo #8102 You can see how he has multiplied over the years. He is still serving the Lord publickly and also has a creation versus evolution presentation.

Speaking of Slemish Mt….this is where God's great preacher to Ireland named Patrick kept sheep in the 5th century…In Photo #8104 you can feel the cooooolllllld wind coming behind David and I as we pose "On top of old Slemish"…we chose the coldest day of the winter to climb Slemish…or so it seemed to us.

I met the princess of Ireland on the Giant's Causeway…at least she is my princess and you can enjoy this beautiful area and damsel in photo #8103.

On a 20 day pass from the eastern front but still in the battle

Gerald Sutek and the SWAT TEAM for Christ
2 Tim. 1:8, Amos 5:1

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