SWAT REPORT # 37 09-30-05
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*It is really something exciting to be able to freely give out the
gospel and have folks take it…at least into their hand and eyes…and many
into their heart.*

*Now, these two photos won’t show you very much except that all subject
are called to the attention of the approaching vehicle. Please trust me
on this…we are in the new van…I am driving…we approach a village (#5094)
and Dan begins to preach from the truth horn out the window. All the
village comes to attention and the folks begin to smile…and
wave…everyone else in the van throws tracts out the window to welcome
recipients all the through the village and out the other side (#5091).
The only thing “funner” is putting fake $20 gospel tracts out in
Manhattan. I could do this all day long. Very few leave them lying on
the ground and even then someone else will come and pick it up. In USA
they would put you under the jail for littering and disturbing the peace. *
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*I have always like to walk for exercise and now that we live really
close to the city I take a different route everyday that I walk and put
tracts on cars, in hands, open windows and letter slots or boxes. Yes,
we are allowed to do that here as well. Notice (photo # 5103) there are
hundreds of these same looking doors in the inner city of Brasov…they
are so common and they all look very much alike. There is usually a mail
slot or box on the outside…but don’t just put one there and leave….let’s
go in, if the gate is unlocked…be careful, might be dark and gloomy
inside…might be a dog…might be a private yard…but almost always it is a
long dank hall with a bay of mail boxes (Photo # 5102). I walk as fast
as I can for nearly 2 hours at a time going into these unknown places
and giving tracts…sometimes I pass them to little old ladies that are
just hanging out…(Photo # 5104). Many of these bunicas (grandmas) are
just hanging out of their windows…so I give them a tract or gospel of
John/Romans with the greeting… “Un dar pentru tine azi” A gift for you
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*Gotta…go…street meeting in an hour and a half.*
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*Armed to the teeth on the eastern front*
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*Gerald Sutek*
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