December 2007-February 2008 Newsletter
SWAT Team for Christ
2Co 11:28  Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches.

Paul’s life was complicated, not because of sin or frivolity, but because of the busy-ness of the ministry. An old saint said, “Duties never conflict”. But sometimes you wonder.   I would rather begin this newsletter with this excuse for being late rather than feel guilty for not doing much.

1 Out of country for a month…holidays…year change…
2 Return to two full weeks of pleasant house guests
               --Among them were the Tim Isbell family…missionaries to Ukraine
3 Returning young preacher along with me…first time on mission field…lots of
               Questions…lots of counsel…just my forte…love it
4 New computer…problems with adjustment and hookup to internet
               --Many problems involving many people, attempts, bills…etc.
All of the above caused a TILT (Temporary Insanity Level Terminal)  response and I am just now recovering.


We have started a new semester in our Bible Institute. I am teaching OT survey to four very good quality men.  Pray for Johnny, Dan, Andre, and Cornel.  These men have very much potential for proper leadership within our ministry in the near and distant future.   Bro. Logan is teaching a very good class on Manuscript Evidence.  His direction is to solidify the perfect final authority of the KJ Bible in the hearts and minds of these men as well as expose the error of the popularly accepted Romanian translation of the Bible (Cornilescu).  In doing this we are training, equipping, and fortifying soldiers for the present and future battle already raging on this field.   Allow me to sum up the subject by stating emphatically that this perversion is much worse in error to the NIV.  There is work currently being done to produce a translation worthy of comparison to our beloved Authorized Version but all we have available in print so far is the NT, Psalms and Proverbs.  A simple warning for interested parties back in the USA. There are veteran missionaries in Romania who pose themselves as KJ men in the states, while rejecting the far superior and closer to perfect new translation (Cluj) when ministering here in Romania.  And now they are even fighting against the Cluj and in favor of Cornelescu, and this only serves to accelerate the war amongst the brethren here in Romania.  The people of Romania suffer severe character faults as a result of several generations of forefathers who had no concept of a perfect final authority. In America we take this for granted. Pray that we can do our part to reverse this cultural deficit.  This flaw is reflected in all areas of life.


Bro. Zander and crew are seeing some marvelous results of faithful ministry and preaching in this village with some 35+ in attendance.  After preaching SIMPLE salvation for many months…it seems it finally bore fruit. Eight souls came to the knowledge of the Lord in this matter just a few weeks ago.  What rejoicing we have enjoyed. My family took a young preacher friend, Andrew Decker, visiting from America to Racos.  While joining us on the tour, Mihai, one of our faithful men there, preached spontaneously in the Hungarian side.  He called his neighbors to repentance while standing in the thick MUD. Praise the Lord for faithful men.


The Bible study continues there with still some prospect of a church being formed in the near future.  Bro. Decker taught this Bible study and preached on the open streets of this Gypsy village while, sad to say, his Bible college note Bible was stolen from our van.   This resulted in an exercise of lamentation and finally resignation.  We offered a reward but with no results as yet.


The mother-church here is vibrant and healthy with good attendance and good spirit but certainly not without problems.  We have a very strong presence on the streets here but because of the present location of the church it seems to be a rare treat to have new visitors.  We do have some new people coming from the neighborhood of the church, and many Gypsy kids enjoy our ministry to them.  Slowly the body is gelling and forming into an army and we look forward  to a strong future.


Thank the good Lord we are all healthy, wealthy, and wise (in the Lord) and continue to be ready to serve Him faithfully today or to go home with Him tomorrow.  Excuse me but I must now go to our street meeting in the square.

 Preaching on your streets and around the world
Gerald Sutek and the SWAT TEAM for Christ
2Tim. 1:8, Amos 5:10