March-April 2006 Newsletter
SWAT Team for Christ
Song of Solomon 2:12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come,
and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; 
Song of Solomon 2:13… Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.

 Oh, how we love this time of year, for it reminds us of resurrection as well as the promise of God and the blessed hope in the soon coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  I truly hope that not one of my faithful readers of this newsletter receives this before we all meet together with our Lord in the sky… “Even so come Lord Jesus.”…..AMEN??????????????????????????????????????????????


I told you in the last newsletter that the buying of a house and property in Racos village would probably be consummated by the time you received that newsletter…well, because of left-over communist bureaucracy, all of this has been delayed.  We have every hope that all this will be concluded before you receive this newsletter.

Our church folk who live there and those whom we have ministered to faithfully for over a year are very eager to have their own church up and operating.   The Orthodox priest who “owns” the village has threatened the man who is selling us his land and house with excommunication.   The man told us that he is not at all concerned over this.  It almost makes me want to “communicate” with the Orthodox so that I could get “excommunicated.”  Ha.  The village is a test case in many ways.  We are anxious about whether the Hungarians will mix with the Romanians.  We are concerned whether the people who live in a village which is dominated over by the Orthodox priest will, be faithful to a Bible believing church or will it just be a passing novelty.   Also, will the parents of the many children that we now minister to in the open-air let them come to a genuine church service.  We hope to find all this out very soon.  Something to pray about…for sure.  We also need the right person to live on the property and the right man to eventually pastor this church sometime in the future.  Answers to these questions will serve us in the future.


Our Bible institute is well past the half-way mark in the first semester and the guys are all doing very well.  We have seven who began in March and are still with us.  These are a spiritually motley group, some saved for 14 years, others saved last fall…they range in age from 22 to 66…they are Hungarian, Romanian and Gypsy…some have college and some never made it past 7th grade…they have various spiritual backgrounds…Catholic, Orthodox, Pentecostal, and nothing.  Bringing these variations to a common point of learning and zeal in ministry is certainly challenging.   Photos of these students are on the web page under SWAT Reports  While there why not request to receive the SWAT Reports which are sent via email.


We continue our faithful publick ministry here in the base city of Brasov.  My neighbor is a well-known attorney in Romania and although he is lost he has volunteered his services to help us solve the ongoing problem with the police in connection with our publick ministry.  I will keep you informed as this entanglement begins to untangle.

Our church is steadily growing.  We have a good attendance in the high 40’s and several irregular visitors.  The congealing process of most churches is slower here due to such a variation in spiritual backgrounds.   We are still two missionaries pounding out the basics of salvation by grace to infants in Christ who act their age. 

 We sure do enjoy those who keep in contact with us and would welcome you to join them…call us at 011-40-268-477-243 from the states…note, we are 7 hours ahead of EST…email us at or just come on over and visit us… We also thank each and every person and church who supports us in prayer and finance.

 Serving in the same army but on the eastern front
Gerald Sutek
And the SWAT TEAM for Christ
2 Tim. 1:8, Amos 5:10