May 2000 Newsletter
SWAT Team for Christ
"Righteousness keepeth him that is upright in the way:
but wickedness
overthroweth the sinner."
  Proverbs. 13:6


Eleven souls jumped from the sinking ship of unrighteousness onto the secure deck of the "Old Ship of Zion" during the heat of the battle for the souls of men and women. This famous battle named "The Beale Street Blast" took place in Memphis, TN. this past month. The street preachers in attendance all had a blast at the Blast which included great preaching and very instructional seminars on publick ministry. The best part is when we all go down to inner city Memphis and minister on Beale Street. This year Memphis hosted a music festival which attracted 108,000 partiers who were very busy sinning with both hands earnestly. Beale Street is blocked off for this giant street party so we organized a march extending the full ten block length. We marched 215 soldiers-of-the-cross in rank down through the middle of their reveling. We sang, displayed banners and scripture signs, distributed gospel tracts and preached at designated places. A rock-radio disc jockey broadcasting live from a van on Beale Street saw us coming and announced our arrival via huge speakers as well as on the radio. In doing so he gave us what I consider one of the finest compliments publick ministry has ever received in these last days. He said, "Oh, here come the Bible thumpers: they always kill the spirit".   Praise the Lord…if publick ministry can kill the spirit of the reveling world it must have great power and blessing from the Lord. I would like to ask publick ministry critics when was the last time their church service killed the spirit of a party with 108,000 sinners. The Associated Press did a story on this national street preacher’s convention and it appeared in many newspapers all over the country. The local paper put us on the front page with a very favorable article. There is another fruit that is gleaned from this exercise and that is the strengthening of those in attendance. We always have folk come who are green when it comes to PM. Some men preach their first publick sermon on Beale Street and then go on to be a strong publick witness. Paul Vanderkley was one of these first-timers this year and here is his comment.

"The Beale Street Blast was a tremendous experience, and an answer to prayer for God's direction in my life and ministry. The preaching, teaching, and training from the veteran street ministers was invaluable,  and the opportunity to fellowship and serve with these soldiers of Christ was a real blessing. I left motivated and equipped to lift up the name of Jesus Christ in the highways and hedges of my own community."


Besides the many street meetings during the Blast, we also preached on the streets of Waukon, IA.  Pastor Ed Mast was a brave leader who helped lead his conservative flock onto the streets of their quiet mid-western small town for their first but certainly not last publick meeting. Neither this community nor these brave new soldiers will soon forget this strengthening experience, not to mention the three souls who changed eternal destinations that day. The day following the Blast we stopped to rest from travelling and I witnessed to two street men. One saw his need and jumped ship immediately but the other thought he was doing fine by himself; after all, he had been clean from crack for nearly 6 days now. Promising full-time street preacher Wes Neill joined the SWAT team on the streets of Nashville, TN.  To these tourists who had come to pay homage to their C&W (Country and Western) gods, we were a preacher of strange things to their Athenian ears. I was privileged to preach in the county jail in Louisville, KY where four men trusted the Lord as their Saviour. We took Ron Crawley and Tom Waddle back onto the streets of Louisville, KY.   They are two veteran publick ministers who had simply forgotten what a blessing it is to occupy a whole intersection of downtown for righteousness.


We were also honored to minister in the following churches this past month. Calvary Baptist, Pastor Ed Mast, Waukon, IA, Cornerstone Baptist, Pastor Ron Ralph, Carthage, TN and the Baptist church in the small community of Campbellsburg, IN Pastor John Lewis.


Next month’s newsletter will include a flyer for the West Coast Blitz so start selling the family cow and make plans to come. Sept. 14-17 are the dates for this national street preacher’s convention in San Francisco, CA, Sacramento, CA, and Marysville, CA.  If you plan to fly be sure to fly into Sacramento, CA.  Let us know in advance.  (Also, the webpage will contain updated Blitz information next month.)

Don’t forget to order your copy of "Fragments of Faith" by sending a check for $8.00 to Kay Robutka Box 49 Frederica, DE  19946. Remember, all money goes to missions.

We continue to have need of nothing but your prayer...

Nationwide Voicemail: 800-428-3660
Cell Phone: 530-304-6107

Preaching the gospel on your streets and around the world,
Gerald Sutek
and the S.W.A.T. Team for Christ
2 Tim. 1:8, Amos 5:10